Clean Utility Storage and Distribution Modules

A leading global biotech company needed to expand their production capability. In support of the production expansion, BFC provided the complete detailed design, fabrication and testing of new modularized clean utility storage and distribution systems. BFC always puts the client first and this project was no exception. We went above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.

  • Supply (4) 16,500-Gal Storage Vessels for HWFI, CWFI and PW with Prefabricated Access Platform;
  • Design, Build and Test (9) water distribution systems for HWFI, CWFI and PW with Ozone Sanitization & UV Destruct Capabilities for Cold Loops;
  • Provide purpose-built automation package/electrical design for standalone loop operation
  • Scale of equipment due to large water usage requirements (high volume, high flow) posed challenges for fabrication - requiring modular platform sections and storage vessels to be built and shipped separately
  • Limited site floor space required significant 3D design effort to maintain equipment accessibility
  • BFC performed in-depth simulation testing to verify distribution loop functionality prior to site installation
  • Equipment fabricated, validated (FAT) and ready to ship ahead of schedule
  • Significant value-added engineering effort by BFC to minimize cost & schedule impact of client driven scope changes and pass on vendor negotiated savings to offset costs
  • Modular platform sections and storage vessels installed by site contractor with success, significantly reducing installation costs compared to a site fabricated design